Monday, February 11, 2013


Dear Friend,
I'm taking a break from musical monday this week because I feel like I've neglected my letters to you. A lot has happened since I last wrote to you and I really feel bad about not telling you. So here it goes, the first information is I got fired from my job from Basils and got rehired at Wendy's fast food for life... Not. Second I went to my Allstar Weekend concert!!! It was the best night of my life and I learned I need to treat Aliyah a lot better because I don't know what I would do without her. I also found a new love for Cute is what we Aim for the lead singer Shaant is so cute. And finally my Mom is getting married on Valentines day. Do I have a Valentine? No and doubt I will for a while because I've been getting more ugly and more ugly as the days go on. Well I have nothing left to say, Perks of being a Wallflower comes out on Dvd tomorrow!!
My inspiration in movie form.
-Love Always Mitchell

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